Welcome to Anovus
The Pharmaceutical industry is investing billions of dollars in Research & Development of new and better drugs that can effectively combat and cure the various ailments afflicting the mankind. In the post- Clinical phase ethical clinical trial is the first step. The world needs Clinical Researchers to ensure a disease free healthy future for the people.
Anovus is the only Clinical Research Institute in the country to offer two years modular program M.Sc. in Clinical Research and other Clinical Research courses awarded by the reputed Desh Bhagat University to spearhead the above cited mission.
Courses of DBU
MSc in Clinical Research and Pharmacovigilance.
Advanced Diploma in Clinical research and Pharmacovigilanc.e
Diploma in Clinical Research and Pharmacovigilance.
The contract Research Organisation of Anovus
Institute of Clinical Research
News and Events
Anovus Institute of Clinical Research ties up with Contract Research Organisation of Anovus Institute of Clinical Research (CRO) for student Internship, Training & Recruitment
Hit Abhilashi Foundation, the promoters of Anovus is setting up the region's first independent Ethics Committee as per ICMR guidelines to stimulate clinical research in this area.
Anovus ties-up with CREDILA for Student Loan facility
Anovus Institute of Clinical Research has been awarded international accreditation by SWAPP / SGPM Switzerland for Clinical Research Education & Training Programs

Anovus is delighted to announce its collaboration with the prestigious institute of New Zealand -Toi Ohomoi Institute of Technology.

Anovus is delighted to announce its collaboration with the prestigious institute of Ontario - Academy of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Anovus received the
'Excellence in Professional Education' award from Chandigarh Management Association (CMA).
S.Navjot Singh Sidhu, Hon'ble Members of Parliament gave away the award.

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