Chandigarh Education City
Chandigarh Administration plans to set up a multi institution Education City at Sarangpur institutional area, Chandigarh, for which 16 sites, measuring 6 acres each on long lease have been set aside. A total Area of 130 acres has been made available for the Education City, by the Administration. Chandigarh Administration would also provide common facilities through the Chandigarh Housing Board.
Hit Abhilashi Foundation is the only organization selected from large number of applicant institutions, from all over the Country and abroad, to set up a top notch pioneering institution of Pharmaceutical Education & Research.The others selected for establishing institutions in other areas and domains of education include Fortis Healthcare, Tech Manhindra, Nursee Monjee, Thapar University & Indian Express.
The vision of the Administration in setting up the Education city is to make available human esources for the growing economy, for equipping the youth of Chandigarh and the region with the skills required in today's context. The areas, which are being focused upon in the Education City, are those that are rare in terms of available talent but which are urgently required in today's context. Hewitt Associates was appointed by the Administration to asviset about the types of courses which should be offered in today's scenario and keeping in view the future projection as per the needs of the region.
The Education City thus would be a project which is both visionary and comprehensive in its scope and would fulfill the requirement of training and educating young people in high end areas which are required in today's context and also keeping in mind future projections
Types of Institutes
Chandigarh Administration envisages that the Education City would be a world-class project, with institution of excellence in all areas of education, as per our future requirements. The Administration has also kept in view the fact that, in today's fast changing world, it is necessary that institutions should be flexible in their approach and should tie up with companies which are the end users of the talent that they are producing.
Therefore it has been decided that the institutions should be such that high end courses like Hospital Administration, Management courses in various streams, Computer Science and other high end Engineering branches, Bio-technology, Multimedia and Pharmaceuticals, Tourism and Hospitality, Industrial Design, Media and Mass Communication should be some of the areas which may be focused upon at the Education City.
An Expert Committee advised the Administration on the best organizations, which would fulfill the purpose laid down for the Education City.
World class Infrastructure
Chandigarh Administration has envisaged that infrastructure at the Education City Would be world class and common facilities consisting of a gymnasium, a sports complex,an auditorium, serviced apartment and a commercial establishment would be set up in 20 acres, within the Education City, by Chandigarh Housing Board, through a private developer Individual campuses would provide high class support facilities to all the institutes within the Education City.